
Stay Home and Make Abstract Collage Art


I am really happy to work with the Ministry of Social and Family Development to create a series of art activities for families to bond together as we all stay home in our fight against Covid-19. This is part of the #FriendsofFFLShare series which features videos and content from other Friends of FFL volunteers.

With simple materials you have around the house, let’s create some lovely art that you can display at home or made into greeting cards to say “thank you” or tell someone you are thinking of them. A simple and fun art project to keep the little ones happy and for the not so littles ones to get their creative juices flowing.

Families for Life (FFL)’s vision is to build strong and resilient families because that makes for stronger communities and better individual well-being.


Stay Home and Make a Paper Doll


I didn’t grow up with Barbie Dolls or play ‘masak-masak’ with toy kitchen sets like most little girls but would rather lose myself in a world of books, paints and brushes. The only “toy” I played with was my paper doll which my Mom made for me. She taught me how to draw and make a few pieces of clothing for the paper doll but I bet she didn’t expect that I will end up making hundreds of outfits. Probably that was an early sign of my affinity with fashion illustration.

It was one of my fondest memories of my childhood and my time with my Mom. So when the Ministry of Social and Family Development asked if I can help to create some art activities that can help families bond together as we all stay home in our fight against Covid-19, I just knew that making paper dolls would be one of them. So here’s a video showing you how you can make your very own paper doll.

If you love fashion and perhaps dreamt of being a fashion designer or stylist, you would love this. So go ahead, give this a try and have fun!

Click here to download the Paper Doll Template.

Paper Doll by Draw A Story.jpeg